About us

Our intention is to hold a safe, supported, sacred space where anyone regardless their background can enjoy being in their bodies, moving from their hearts, be guided by their breath and find ever growing moments of peace.

To really understand who we are and what we stand for we offer you the story of our Founder Libby Hargreaves.

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When you walk through the door, you are greeted by your name with a smile, you feel your shoulders and relax and gently fall away from your ears. Your forehead softens and all of the noise in your head suddenly quietens down. 

All this happens before you even step foot on your mat!

When you do arrive at your mat you will sit down (in a comfortable position), close your eyes and take your attention inwards.  You will notice the rhythm and quality of your mind with non attachment.  Then you will connect with your breath.

First noticing its natural quality.

Then beginning to invite a deeper, fuller, delicious audible breath through your nose ujjayi breath.

This breath is the key to shine light on aspects of yourself that previously had been outside of your awareness.

You are guided to observe your mind as it continues to slow.

You are directed to sense your body from the inside and let go of aesthetic fixed forms.

You are consistently supported to be the witness of your experience with compassion and curiosity.

Observation without judgement

Then you are led to wake up your sensing body….

You are guided to the top of your mat. Standing tall, aware of the tips of your toes up to the crown of your head.  You connect with your bandhas ( Link to explication?) You feel aligned and connected to yourself.

Your ujjayi breath deep and strong.

We collectively open with the seed (bija) mantra (one word chant ) corresponding to the element (earth, water, fire, air, space) that embodies the asana (postures) vinyasa krama (sequential progressive breath wave centred flow) practice today.

Today, outside it is wildly windy, you feel ungrounded. The full moon is upon us, bringing high energy, a sense of anxiety and desire for manic activity.  It’s a dry hot summer evening, you feel the dryness in your eyes and throat. 

We will root down into our foundation,

connect to our feet,

inhabit our hips and be here.

We send our energy downwards into the earth waking up apana vayu (downward moving cooling, hydrating energy current).  We practice progressive hip opening flows and arm balancing with a slow patient powerful rhythm.

After flowing through various progressive movement waves (vinyasa kramas) of earth element, opening and preparing the body to arrive gracefully, without resistance into your expression of a deep hip opening pose.

You are riding the wave breath and movement into stillness, cooling the body down through forward folds and closing postures.  Finishing with breath awareness (pranayama), mantra and a deep relaxation (savasana).  Letting your body sink down into the earth. 

You feel that you are in a supported protected space where you can allow yourself to relax.

You are tenderly awakened from relaxation and guided to reflect on the transformation that has taken place.  Guided back to yourself.  This journey is a process. Your yoga is a daily practice.

In this moment you are home, you feel centred, grounded in yourself, you feel supported by the cool humid earth beneath your feet.  Today through our elemental vinyasa flow we let the energy of earth element balance us.

As you leave your mat, your body feels light and alive.  Your mind is calm and focused.  Your feet touch the floor silently.

You sense an internal peace as you leave to continue your day.

Our philosophy

We flow through the seasons, weather and moon cycles harmonizing the internal and external influences to stay gracefully, tenderly balanced and aligned with nature. More about the methodology… 

We live for a vision of simplicity guiding you to connect to your breath and move gracefully within the present moment on your mat.

We steer you towards tenderness and compassion in the face of resistance and struggle.

We facilitate your process in a non judgemental supportive, creative community where you feel comfortable to practice your yoga.

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Libby Hargreaves

Libby is a Londoner.  She is strong, visionary and graceful .  Her yoga classes bring a depth of awareness of the spiritual and philosophical nature of yoga with challenging fluid sequencing.   Her yin classes are a tender space to contemplate and connect. She loves elemental vinyasa and being deeply connected to the cycles of nature.

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Jade Valero

Jade is an old soul. Wise and aligned. Her spiritual practice is natural and totally integrated. Her elemental vinyasa classes are progressive, focused on alignment, philosophy and attention to the breath.

Libby’s story

My name is Libby Hargreaves.

I will guide you to release control and let your breath move you.

The guidance you receive will feel tender (a conscious invitation based on your real needs in the moment) and compassionate (love champions all).

Your journey of letting go, breathing and moving from where you’re at will be one of grace.

Feeling excited? Read on……

I am certain that nurturing and listening to your wisest teacher, the body will bring you all that you desire.

Why am I certain?

Because my body has guided me, gently and patiently. It has never confused me, given up on me or judged me, as my mind has.

I have been sober since I was 16, I have done battle with my body through almost every addiction and destructive relationship that you could think of.

I survived.

I did more than just survive, I thrived.

I am in love with myself and my life.

I feel (and look) healthier and happier every year and continue to have a positive impact on the community.

I feel blessed.

I would love to share with you how I continue to thrive.

I practice elemental vinyasa 6 days a week and transcendental meditation for 20 mins twice daily.

I embrace my femininity and choose to surrender versus over effort ( I struggled with this for years).

I honor that I am different every day and I choose to flow gracefully and compassionately through these changes.

I take time to be still and quiet using yin yoga and meditation.  I take into account how the outside influences may call for modifications or variations of my daily yoga practice link to method / philosophy page

I dream of a world where we live free from internal conflicts, where we live in peace.  Where our rituales and yoga practice leave us feeling joyful and calm (not full of pain or driven ego addiction).

Our yoga classes, events, retreats and teacher trainings are my contribution to make this burning desire an ever growing reality in the lives of many.

Not to forget the smile I never take off my face.


Want to know more about Libby?

“Be the change you want to see”


Change starts with you! Show me the schedule

Yoga Las Palmas - Libby Hargreaves

Our prayer

May every thought you think bring tenderness

May every action you make shine light

May every word you speak offer vision

May every relationship you hold cultivate elegance

May you be aligned with nature and live for the greatest good of all.


London, UK / 1980

Founder, director and teacher

Practicing yoga since 1999

(+34) 620 387 207


BAHons Media and cultural Studies with Philosophy

PGCE in primary education

200 hours ashtanga vinyasa
500 hours  Yoga Sports Science
100 hours Rocket yoga
100 hours Kids Yoga Om shree yoga
50 hours Paul Grilley Yin Yoga
20 hours Gerharte Zimmerman formative therapy
PSYCH-K Facilitator

Level 1 and 2 Reiki

100 hours Strala Guiding Yoga with Tara Styles
Spirit Junkie Master Class level 1 Gabrielle Bernstein

BCN yoga conference workshop Shiva Rea

Elemental Prana Vinyasa with Shiva Rea

Discovering Ayurveda with  Deepak Chopra

The Vayus Yoga international

Powerful Beyond Measure Marianne Williamson

Spirit Junkie Masterclass level 2 (2019) Gabrielle Bernstein



Pamplona, ​​Navarra / 1988


Practicing since 2013

(+34) 680 243 073



Journalism and Production of Audiovisuals and Shows
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Assistant
Studying Osteopathy

200h Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
100h Vinyasa Krama Elemental
2018-2020 Therapeutic Yoga with Victor Morera and Grazia Suffriti
Ayurveda Massage (Healing Feeling Ayurveda by Matuk Guayuba,
following the tradition of Dr. Kosum Modak)
Wim Hof ​​Method with Diana Christinson


As the daylight fades, and...

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